Friday, 17 June 2016

Technical description of Calotropis gigantea

1.    HABITAT: Mesophyte with xerophytic adaptation.
2.    HABIT    : Shrub.
3.    ROOT    : Not provided.
4.    STEM    : Herbaceous, aerial, erect, cylindrical, solid, glabrous with milky latex.
5.    LEAF     : Cauline (or) ramel, opposite decussate, subsessile, simple,exstipulate, ovate to eliptical, entire, acute, glaucus, reticulate unicostate, coriaceous.
6.    INFLORESCENCE         : Extra axillary, umbelate (or) dichasial cyme.
7. FLOWER IN GENERAL : Pedicellate, bracteate, ebracteolate (or) bracteolate, complete, bisexual, actinomorphic, cyclic, hypogynous, pentamerous, dichlamydeous and heterochlamydeous.
8.    FLOWER IN DETAIL  : 5 Sepals, polysepalous, asendingly imbricate, 5petals, polypetalous, valvate, 5 , epipetalous or gynandrous, exerted stamens, introrse,dithecous anther.
Basifixed in asclepiadoideae behind the stamens the extentions of coralla are present called coronary coralla.
The two anther lobes of adjacent stamens fuses to form a lambda shaped structure called translator mechanism.
Androecium fuses with gynoecium to from gynostegium.
Gynoecium : 2 carpels, bicarpellary, sub-apocarpous, bilocular, superior, marginal placentation, terminal, fuses with pentagonal disc.

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