Monday 15 August 2016


Annelids are the first EUCOELOMETE animals in the evolutionary order. The coelom is SCHIZOCOELOM and it is divided into compartments by intersegmental septa.
Some structures in annelids are arranged segmentally and are described as SEGMENTAL STRUCTURES. Among them there are COELOMODUCTS and NEPHRIDIA . These structures will be useful for the passage of reproductive and excretory products from coelom to the exterior. The segmental structures mainly divided into     
                             I.            COELOMODUCTS
                           II.            NEPHRIDIA
COELOMODUCTS: These are generally wide tubes of MESODERMIC origin and develop as ENVAGINATIONS of coelomic epithelium. Each coelomoduct opens into coelom by a ciliated funnel called COELOMOSTOME which opens out by a genital aperture. Coelomoducts primarily function as GONODUCTS. So these will be limited to the with reproductive structures. In some forms they function as excretory ducts.
NEPHRIDIA: These are generally coiled tubes which are formed by the INVAGINATIONS OF ECTODERM. Each nephridium coummunicates with the outside through a NEPHRIDIOPORE. If the nephridium opens out into the coelom through nephrostome,it is described as OPEN. If it is absent,it is CLOSED. Nephridia without nephridiostome is called PROTONEPHRIDIUM, and if present it is METANEPHRIDIUM. Nephrostome may communicate with prostome of the same segment or anterior to it. Nephridia are primarily excretory(osmoregulation)in function and secondarily serves as REPRODUCTIVE DUCTS(gonoducts).
Nephridia without a nephrostome are considered as PRIMITIVE. In some cases,the closed end of the tube may have SOLENOCYTES which occur singly or in group.
Nephridia with a nephrostome are considered as ADVANCED. In a majority of polychaetes,it opens into coelom through CILIATED NEPHROSTOME.
Based on size, nephridia are classified into MICRONEPHRIDIA and MEGANEPHRIDIA. Generally micronephridia will be more in segments and meganephridia will be anepair per segment.
If nephridium communicates outside through nephridiophore directly, it is termed as EXONEPHRIC,  whose primary function is EXCRETORY and if the terminal ducts ultimately open into alimentary canal it is called as ENDONEPHRIC  nephridia, which are basically OSMOREGULATORY in function.
            Incase of oligocheates and hirudineans the nephridia and coelomoducts are separate structurally and functionally. Where as the nephridia of polycheates and aschiannelids, they function as excretory and reproductive ducts and so they are described as NEPHROMIXIA or MIXONEPHRIDIA

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